What is a CSA?

CSA – Community Supported Agriculture - is a member model whereby local farmers and local eaters make a dedicated commitment to one another through a shared-risk model and active engagement. Members support the whole farm through subscribing to seasonal shares. Some or all of this payment is upfront, much like a farm’s costs of production. Membership provides better planning for the farms, maximizing potential and minimizing risk and waste. The farmers work hard to provide the best, freshest, seasonal variety of produce each week and commit to building a deeper relationship with their members. Together every week, we elevate and enjoy healthy food, resilient community, and successful, viable farm systems while caring for the planet.

Let us help you decide if a CSA is right for you!

Our CSA shares are put together with the products available that week on the farm. We produce a variety of seasonal produce and the shares reflect what is growing with the seasons.

Consider these variables before deciding your purchase.

Do you….

  • Eat fresh Vegetables?

  • Travel alot?

  • Like to pick out your own vegetables?

  • Not like to eat greens? (kales, collards, mustards)

  • Not like to cook?

  • Have ability to pick-up your product?

CSA Share